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3 February 2025
Happy New Year! Wishing all our friends a very prosperous Year of the Snake. 3rd February is Billy Meier’s 88th birthday. We wish him good health and good spirit as always! Until recently, he has still been harassed by those negative religious energies. However, he never gives up writing. Perhaps we all can learn from his new book real soon. There is a famous proverb “Belief Is Where Thinking Ends”—this is why Billy’s teachings lay stress on the importance of independent thinking. We are in an era overloaded with information, where true and false messages are hopelessly intertwined. Billy urges us not to believe anything easily but to practise independent thinking and research so as not to be misled. While wishing Billy good health and longevity, let us keep on perfecting our independent thinking skills. It is a way to become a true human being, and a nice birthday present to Billy.
15 October 2024
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte  (Pleiadian-plejarische Contact Reports) Block 21 is now available at Billy Books. This block covers conversations of the 815–855th contact between Billy Meier and the Plejaren from July 2022 to July 2023. Much of the information in the contact blocks, as we all know, are prophecies with time stamps. In addition, another new book Wie der Mensch denkt, so gestaltet er sein Leben ...  (How a person thinks determines how he shapes his life ...) is published. Billy learned through the instruction and wisdom of Plejaren Sfath since the age of five, and wrote this book when he was twelve years old, explaining how humans can forge their lives and create everything with their creation energy consciousness. Please come and have a look. We also have about 90% of FIGU's publications available for purchase, you may refer to our latest Product List for details.
1 August 2024
We would like to introduce a new book to you—Apollo 11 Secret: New Evidence About Apollo 11. This is not another book about conspiracy theories regarding Apollo 11. It is written by Francisco Villate after thorough investigation and research. Solid evidence presented within this book proved that Plejaren’s message “The Apollo 11 mission is fake” is true. We have been deceived. Apollo 11 was not the pioneering mission it was portrayed to be. Please come and discover the truth behind this big hoax.
14 April 2024
We are glad to tell that the new classic photo book UFO...Contact from the Pleiades (45th Anniversary Edition) is now available at Billy Books. This beautifully printed book can now be obtained at an affordable price and surely is great value for money. High demand is expected, please act now to secure your own copy.
5 April 2024
Dear friends, earlier we misunderstood the coverage of Quetzal’s latest technology on peace meditation. After sorting out with FIGU, it is now clear that Quetzal’s new invention only works for official FIGU members in freely choosing a convenient time for their group peace meditation and is not effective for non-official FIGU members. Hence, the misconception about “We can freely choose a date and time for peace meditation” is invalid. All non-official FIGU members should stick to FIGU's official schedule for peace meditation. We apologize for the inconvenience caused, please refer to the Latest Announcement/Update on Peace Meditation for details.
24 February 2024
A New Book is Coming! Here comes a piece of good news early in the Year of the Dragon. Two classic UFO photo books—UFO...Contact from the Pleiades Volumes I & II by Lee Elders and Brit Elders—that were out of print for 40 years will be available soon and it is expected to be at a very affordable price. The Elders teamed up with Wendelle Stevens and others in 1977 for an UFO investigation project in Switzerland that lasted for a few years. They acquired from Billy Meier some copies of his wonderful UFO photos. While computers and photo editing software were still developing in the early stages, these photos were doomed to be solid evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial flying objects. The two beautiful books became hot items and bestsellers in no time, and have become collector's items over all these years. The two books will be published anew in a single book UFO...Contact from the Pleiades (45th Anniversary Edition) and is expected to be released around end of April. For those who are interested in purchasing one, please stay tuned for our updates or subscribe to Billy Books's newsletters to receive our latest news.
3 February 2024
3rd February is Billy’s 87th birthday. We wish him good health and happy life! Despite going through countless hardships and hard times, Billy has been insisting on writing books. He has been utilizing all this time in the hope of passing on all his knowledge, wisdom and teachings to all humanity. For over 40 years, Billy has the whole world in his mind and has been persevering to live a simple life within an isolated area, forsake fame and fortune, endure hardships and life threatening dangers with the aim of offering information and truth to the whole mankind. Who else would do the same? We are lucky and should be grateful to have a Prophet in our lifetime and be the first to learn from his teachings and benefit from it. Happy birthday and many happy returns, Billy Meier!

In addition, 3rd February is the 10th Anniversary of Billy Books! We are thankful for all your dear support through these difficult years. In order to express our thankfulness, we will offer two leaflets from FIGU for free. The first one is the name list of Billy’s extraterrestrial contacts and sketches of some major ET personalities. The second one includes some famous and colourful beamship photos. Until end of March, for purchase of two or more physical books, in addition to the usual free postcard of your choice, we will also give away the above-mentioned two leaflets as free gifts while stock lasts. We will offer other complimentary items/gifts instead for those who miss the chance. We are truly grateful to your wonderful support for the past 10 years. Please pay us a visit, all are welcome. Wishing everyone good health, peace and joy in the Year of the Dragon.
25 January 2024
Billy’s latest book Lehre der Schöpfungsenergie  (Teaching of Creation Energy) is now available. This is an entirely new book that offers really important information about all kind of aspects of the human consciousness, personal evolution, the effects of religion, and explains in detail the necessary thoughts, factors and aspects of becoming real human beings, namely human beings who do not just appear to think, but really think in line with reality. If you want to know how to become a Real Human Being, please do not miss this immensely valuable new publication.
27 September 2023
A very good news from the latest Contact Report No. 863: Because of a change to the better, those prophecies concerning “The Bear will conquer the whole of Europe” will not be fulfilled. On the other hand, Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte  (Pleiadian-plejarische Contact Reports) Block 20 is now available at Billy Books. This block covers contact report 777 to 814, dated from 11 September 2021 to 26 July 2022. Lots of valuable information is recorded, including but not limited to COVID, religions, Ukraine-Russia war, picture of Henoch and Jesaia, overpopulation and Marcel Vogel's metal analysis report. Don’t miss the chance to cherish and learn from Billy and the Plejaren.
1 July 2023
Billy Meier’s Rebirth, Life, Dying, Death and Sorrow, the English version of Wiedergeburt, Leben, Sterben, Tod und Trauer, is now available. This valuable book is translated and printed by FIGU-Landesgruppe Canada. Within the book Billy explains, in comprehensible, empathetic and upbuilding words, the truth about the entire cycle of rebirth, life, dying, death and the therewith connected sorrow. Implicitly or explicitly you will find answers to most questions on this great mystery of all time. Perhaps, when we acknowledge the truth behind this eternal cycle of life and death, we will have the same attitude as Billy does when facing death: “I will take him with joy when he approaches me”. Please come and see more about this most comforting book.
3 February 2023
Wishing all our friends a very happy and successful Year of the Rabbit. 3rd February is Billy’s 86th birthday. In fact, if we add in the time that he spent during his time travels, his actual age will be much older. Despite his previous COVID infection and having a minor stroke, he remains active and has more frequent contacts with the Plejaren than before, which brings lots of invaluable information to mankind. We wholeheartedly thank Billy for bringing us the truths and wish him good luck, good health and all the best! While it seems that the COVID is coming close to an end, we hope that all our friends can be spared and go through the crisis smoothly.
15 January 2023
At the beginning of the new year, we are glad to introduce two new German books. The first one is Ein Leben, beglaubigte authentische Biographie von ‹Billy› Eduard Albert Meier (BEAM)—Band 1 (1937–1953)  (One Life, accredited authentic biography of ‹Billy› Eduard Albert Meier (BEAM)—Volume 1 (1937–1953)). This is the first chronicle of Billy Meier’s biography starting right from his birth. Studying this book will learn how this great man acquired his knowledge, perseverance, and wisdom that enabled him to become prophet of the new age. The second new book is Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte  (Pleiadian-plejarische Contact Reports) Block 19. This block covers conversations of the 755–776th contact between Billy Meier and the Plejaren from 25 October 2020 to 8 August 2021. Reading enriches our minds, please come and have a look.
19 November 2022
News of the month! Another English translation of Billy’s precious book is now available—From the Depths of Outer Space... Contacts with the Pleiadians/Plejaren. This book details some of Billy's early childhood experiences with Sfath as well as some of his adventures with Asket, from which we can get a glimpse of the Plejaren civilization and their wisdom. It is an indispensable introduction to the Billy Meier contact case. In addition, we have added payment method Wise (formerly TransferWise) for overseas orders. It is probably a cheaper option for international money transfer.
12 August 2022
We are glad to introduce to all a new German book Überbevölkerung, die grösste Gefahr für die Erdenmenschheit—Band 1  (Overpopulation, the Greatest Threat to Earth Humanity—Volume 1). Since time immemorial, one after another, Plejaren prophets came and warned human beings of the Earth on the cause, background and consequences of “overpopulation”, expecting that mankind could eventually realize the truth and take self-responsibility to prevent possible human extinction. What should mankind do to ensure their future survival? The answers are within reach in this insightful and valuable book.
8 June 2022
We are glad to tell that Billy’s book Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Origin of All Existence is now available in English. In writing of this valuable book, Billy Meier accessed the storage bank of Nokodemion for all the necessary information. Billy pointed out that our scientists and physicists do not yet know that the origin of all existence does not lie in the big bang, but from an event that happened at a time of the past well beyond comprehension. Billy Books is proud to make this new translation available to our friends right after its publication. Please do not miss the chance to find out the mystery of the universe. (Update on 16 April 2024: This book is discontinued)
3 February 2022
Wishing everyone a very prosperous and successful Year of the Tiger. 3rd February is Billy’s 85th birthday, let us wish him healthy, happy and longevity! As you may be aware that, since a long time ago, Billy has been seriously troubled by some mysterious forces from religious believers. He was even badly hurt, yet recovered by his own will of steel. Here comes the good news, the little ones from Andromeda came and exercised their gift once again. They solved part of the problem and Billy was a bit relieved. Billy was then able to address all his friends around the world:
‘‘ For the whole year 2022–and of course beyond that and for all time–shall now love, peace and a lot of happiness, grace, favour and success, and also protection, health and sprightliness, joy of life, freshness of life, goodness and goodwill accompany you and be present.

With loving regards
(Billy's letter in full)
29 December 2021
On realizing the prevailing disastrous global warming and ecological crisis, Francisco Villate, the co-author of They are Here: Compelling Evidence of Extraterrestrial Ships Present on Earth, published a science fiction novel that he conceived long time ago. Through the exciting story of a fictional character Sarom, Francisco wanted to present the reality that the end time is coming. What exactly could Sarom do to save his people and the planet from total destruction? Please come and enjoy the exciting novel of foresight Third Evacuation.
24 November 2021
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte  (Pleiadian-plejarische Contact Reports) Block 18 is now available. This block covers conversations of the 723rd–754th contact between Billy Meier and the Plejaren from October 2019 to October 2020, which include valuable information on COVID-19. During the past two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, none of the Gods or Saints listened and responded to the prayers of their suffering believers, it is only the Plejaren offered the timely and most useful recommendations. The contact reports demonstrate the kind concern of the benevolent Plejaren and their technology is far beyond that of Earth scientists.
14 November 2021
We would like to introduce a new German picture book by Billy’s foster son Atlant Bieri and his wife Siriporn Bieri—Der Dschungel im Boden. The soil is one of the most biodiverse habitats in the world, as well as one of the most important resources of mankind. Under our feet are teemed with the strangest forms of life. This book shows what they look like, what exactly they do in the soil and what they do for us humans and the ecosystem. Friends who are interested in studying soil health and its importance may wish to explore this beautiful book with scientific research findings and conclusions.
25 July 2021
Perhaps we are all aware that Billy Meier and the Plejaren pointed out many times that religions were invented for the sake of exploiting people, to dominate, imprison and exercise power over them. We may think that Buddhism is a better one among all the religions. However, did Buddha establish the Buddhism religion? Does Lamaism have any connection with Buddha? To clear up the questions, we would like to introduce you to a new book The Buddhist Deception written by a FIGU member Ben Blijleven. If you are interested in Buddhism and would like to know more about it, please do not miss out on this informative and revealing book.
12 July 2021
We are glad to tell that our first batch of Peace Meditation Pyramid [Hong Kong China Mini Version] is nearly sold out, and we are rolling out a new version with an enhancement. Each bamboo box of the second batch of pyramids is laser engraved with a peace symbol, which matches perfectly the theme of Peace Meditation and can last beautifully for a long time. It is a pity that the manufacturing cost of the new batch of pyramids has risen because of inflation and the selling price needs to be adjusted accordingly. However, we are still selling the pyramids at cost and encourage you to participate in peace meditation.
17 June 2021
An exciting good news! About the Fluidal-Energy resp. Fluidal-Powers and Other Things—the English translation of the long-awaited book Rund um die Fluidalenergie resp. Fluidalkräfte und andere Dinge is now available. For the benefit of humankind, Billy Meier presented logical answers to many supernatural phenomena and mysteries in this book, which will dawn on and satisfy readers completely. Please come and have a look at the introduction of this wonderful book.
26 March 2021
We are glad to tell that Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte  (Pleiadian-plejarische Contact Reports) Block 17 is now available at Billy Books. This new book contains the 710th to 722nd contact report from 11 September 2018 to 8 August 2019. For the past few decades, these contact blocks have recorded the meeting conversations between Billy and the Plejaren, which are full of invaluable information on prophecies and predictions, historical truths, scientific unknowns, the way to live, etc. As usual, we have over 80% of FIGU’s publications readily available to serve. Please come and take a look, all are welcome.
3 February 2021
3rd February is Billy’s 84th birthday, together with all the friends in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and mainland China, we express our heartfelt thanks to him for his hard work and accomplishment for the well being of all human on Earth. We wish him healthy, high spirit as usual and every success in his mission. On receiving the blessings from all over the world, here is Billy’s response:
‘‘ Dear and esteemed FIGU members, friends and acquaintances, I would like to address these lines to all – unfortunately a little late, due to overflowing work – and wish you for the new year 2021 with a few words in this way for your well-being in terms of health, work, family and in all things of existence.

We wish you the very best and also to assure you that we at the Center will always keep you in our thoughts, hoping that you will all be healthy, well and spared from what is rampant around the world during the Corona epidemic.

What unfortunately results in evil in all countries and brings suffering and grief to countless families and people, try to prevent it in yourselves, in your family, in your circle of friends and acquaintances, by all of you keeping to the necessary safety precautions of wearing masks, keeping your distance and disinfection and all other necessities. I wish for all of you – as well as for all people in our world – to be spared from all evils, but it is necessary and inevitable for every single person to join all safety precautions and protective measures against the very aggressive and dangerous Corona virus and its mutations. In this sense I greet you all and also thank you for all your letters with your dear and good wishes for my 84th birthday. Considering all your good and kind words and wishes, I feel very honored and taken care of, for which I express my special heartfelt thanks to all of you, while also hoping that all of us, without exception, will get through everything well and we will soon be able to enjoy life together again in the old way.

Billy Meier
28 January 2021
Good news! The long wait is over, the German/English version of Introduction to Meditation is published by FIGU-Landesgruppe Australia in early 2021. Within this valuable book, Billy explained the goal and method of True Meditation, and cleared up some related misunderstandings and illogical concepts as well. This book serves as a beacon light to beginners of meditation; further, it enhances personal knowledge about true meditation. It is a precious book not to be missed.
2 January 2021
Happy New Year, everyone! According to FIGU’s announcement/update on 15 November 2020, with Quetzal’s latest invention, those who would like to contribute to achieving world peace can choose to perform peace meditation at any time and no longer need to follow the scheduled time frame. However, in order to achieve the enhanced synchronization effect, whether peace meditation is performed within or outside the scheduled time frame, the use of Peace Meditation Pyramid is necessary. For more information, please refer to the Latest Announcement/Update on Peace Meditation.   ** Please refer to the latest news on 5 April 2024 **
21 November 2020
A new book The Billy Meier Case: True or a Hoax? written recently by Christian Frehner, a highly experienced core-group member, is now available at Billy Books. The book is published by request from Ptaah, which sums up the essence of all major evidence of the Billy Meier case by presenting a series of photo evidence with easy-to-understand explanations. It is a handy package of the BM case for both beginners and researchers.
11 October 2020
Following the successful debut of our meditation pyramid, we bring you another piece of great news! An updated edition of the legendary photo book Through Space and Time (Photo Book) is now on our shelf! FIGU-Landesgruppe Canada resurrected this much needed wonderful book with even better picture quality and definition, as well as an updated name list of Billy’s ET friends; howevever, price of the new edition is lower than that of the old one. Please check out this latest edition if you missed this book before.
11 October 2020
The new edition of Might of the Thoughts is now printed in hardcover and its price is adjusted accordingly.
1 September 2020
Good news! Targeted to promote Peace Meditation, the “Billy Meier HK Research Centre” had been coordinating the production of Mini Peace Meditation Pyramid for a year or so. We succeeded in the making recently and are honoured to have the pyramid approved by Billy and FIGU. In addition to the ones from Switzerland and Canada, those who would like to own a mini pyramid have a third choice from “Hong Kong China” now. Our Peace Meditation Pyramid [Hong Kong China Mini Version] is both handsome and reasonably priced; on the one hand, it is because of the fine workmanship of Chinese goldsmith, and we keep selling the pyramids at cost on the other. In order to achieve world peace and a heaven on Earth, please join with the 3.5 billion extraterrestrials in the scheduled Peace Meditation.
30 July 2020
A book that proves the authenticity of Billy Meier’s contact case They are Here: Compelling Evidence of Extraterrestrial Ships Present on Earth is newly published. The two authors Francisco Villate and Christopher Lock are scholar/professional. With precise modeling and more than 160 full-colour illustrations and photographs, they succeeded in proving the authenticity of Billy Meier’s materials scientifically. Francisco and Chris generously offered Billy Books a friendly price for this wonderful book, of which we are glad to help our friends get a copy.
8 April 2020
We all stay home because of the global coronavirus pandemic, what would be a better choice than to study Billy’s teachings in peace? Billy Books brings you three new German books from FIGU: Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte  (Pleiadian-plejarische Contact Reports) Block 16, Erdenmenschheit, strebe endlich nach Frieden und Freiheit statt nach Krieg und Terror  (Earth humanity, strive for long lasting peace and freedom instead of war and terror) and Wenn der Mensch glücklich und zufrieden werden will …  (If the human being wants to become happy and content…). Due to the pandemic situation, postal services to certain destinations are currently being affected to varying degrees. Those who consider ordering are welcome to ask us for details. Please take good care of yourselves, keep social distance and beat the virus together! Best regards to all our friends.
3 February 2020
Today is Billy’s 83rd birthday! Together with all our friends, we wish him good luck, good health and all the best. Today is also the 6th anniversary of Billy Books, heartfelt thanks to all our friends for the strong support through all these years, by now we have equipped with almost all Billy’s publications, the biggest showcase besides FIGU Switzerland; looking forward, we surely will try our best in excelling our current service to all friends of Billy books. We earnestly hope that the Plejaren’s Messages and Billy Meier’s Spiritual Teachings can be heard all around the world, may all humanity learn and exercise the wisdom within, such that working hand in hand we can create a sustainable bright future.
18 September 2019
Bernadette Brand’s latest German book Lernschritte Artikel und Gedanken zur Geisteslehre und Feststellungen in bezung auf Billy  (Learning Steps: Articles and Thoughts About the Spiritual Teaching and Findings Concerning Billy) is now on our shelf. As a first-hand information recorder and witness, Bernadette shared in this new book her articles and thoughts on Billy’s spiritual teachings and findings during the several decades that she had been following Billy and so on. Friends who are interested in learning Billy Meier's case from the perspective of this invaluable insider are welcome to get a copy.
19 June 2019
Diversikum, the legacy of Guido Moosbrugger, an old friend of Billy Meier, is now available. This German book houses topics that people have been questioning since time immemorial. It includes rare information and explanations of the beginning and end of the universe, the meaning and ways of physical and spiritual life, UFO, extraterrestrial civilizations, spiritual teachings, etc. Those who are interested in unravelling mysteries of the universe may consider getting a copy.
23 April 2019
According to FIGU’s announcement dated 6 April 2019, Quetzal’s latest invention offered great convenience to those who would like to practise Peace Meditation in promoting and achieving world peace. Peace Meditation Pyramid is no longer a must now, and peace meditation can be performed at any time and any date. For more information, please refer to the Latest Announcement on Peace Meditation.   ** Please refer to the latest news on 5 April 2024 **
18 March 2019
FIGU-Landesgruppe Canada brings us new work again—the German/English bilingual edition of Arahat Athersata is now published and available at Billy Books. If you would like to know what messages and guidelines AA had sent to earthly humanity, please come and get a copy.
3 February 2019
In celebrating Billy Meier’s birthday, like-minded people in Hong Kong created a new website “Billy Meier Hong Kong Research Centre”. We are privileged to have the concurrence of Swiss FIGU, Canada and Australia FIGU, Michael Horn, Future of Mankind, 愛人的心 ... to use and relay their photos, videos and messages etc. The website is now under construction. During the initial phase, the website will be mainly in English, and it is targeted to be filled with more and more Chinese translations gradually. Please stay tuned for more updates.
3 February 2019
Today is Billy Meier’s 82nd birthday! Like-minded people all around the world would express their good wishes towards Billy, while it is impossible for Billy to respond individually, in a thanksgiving card he wrote, “To all people who have remembered my birthday and, as in the years before, sent me kind greetings and good wishes again. As for me, I too send many kind thoughts to my loyal friends everywhere in the world.”
19 Auguest 2018
Two versions of Peace Meditation Pyramid produced by FIGU-Landesgruppe Canada are now available in Hong Kong. The mini and regular versions are made to suit a maximum of two and seven concurrent participants respectively. All pyramids are handmade, and the price of the [Canada Mini Version] is lower than that of the [Switzerland Mini Version]. In order to promote world peace, Billy Books is selling all peace meditation pyramids at cost. For a bright and peaceful future of all Earth humans, all are welcome to take part in Peace Meditation.
1 July 2018
Many thanks to FIGU-Landesgruppe Canada for their great contribution in making the German/English bilingual edition of FIGU's publications available, the new Symbols of the Spiritual Teaching is released! This edition contains a collection of 624 symbols, of which 24 are new additions. Those who are interested in having a look at the symbols of the spiritual teaching chosen and retrieved from Nokodemion’s Storage Banks by Billy Meier, applying them in meditation or understanding their full meaning, please come and get a copy. Further, we have a few new Postcards on our shelf. Readers will receive 1 free postcard of their choice for every purchase of 2 Books from us.
8 June 2018
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte  (Pleiadian-plejarische Contact Reports) Block 15 is published and now available at Billy Books. This block covers records of the 646–680th contact between Billy Meier and the Plejaren from 3 March 2016 to 7 May 2017. In addition, another new German book Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ursprung aller Existenz  (Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Origin of All Existence) is now available. Those who are interested in knowing more about the origin of all existence or the big bang may consider getting a copy.
3 February 2018
It is Billy’s 81st birthday! Wishing our prophet of the new age healthy, happy and many happy returns! By the way, today is Billy Books’ fouth anniversary as well, our heartfelt thanks to your great support for all these years, in return, we are glad to lower the book prices against the postal saving achieved via an alternative operator. In 2018, we will continue our effort in bringing the best service possible to all our friends, please visit us to find out more. Wishing you all a very successful Year of the Dog!
16 September 2017
The e-book version of Goblet of the Truth (German/English bilingual) is updated to 2015 edition, please visit our [Catalog / Info] section and download for free. Kindly also share our Download Link with interested friends, as wider coverage of this valuable book is beneficial to all mankind.
5 September 2017
Decalogue / Dodecalogue (German/English bilingual edition) is published and now available at Billy Books. This very important book was transmitted from the Petale pure-spirit-level and contains detailed explanations pertaining to the Ten Commandments in their original form, including two other recommendations. You may wish to consider getting a copy.
7 July 2017
Exciting news! We recently located a Canada logistics agent that can offer lower shipping cost for sending books from FIGU Canada to Hong Kong. As good service is our aim, and to please all our dear friends of Billy Books, we gladly reduce the price of Talmud Jmmanuel [Limited Edition] and the English booklets. Your smile is our reward.
7 July 2017
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte  (Pleiadian-plejarische Contact Reports) Block 14 is published and now available at Billy Books. Besides, our English Booklets collection has added three items, namely 77 Meditations, Diet and Nutrition and Physical Well-being. Please refer to our latest Product List for details.
12 May 2017
In recent months, some Friends of Billy Books, especially those from Mainland China, found that our newsletters and even our email replies had been dropped into the spam folder of their mailboxes. More lately, some reported that our emails could not be found even in their spam folders. Our last newsletter was No.22 issued on 8 April, if any Friends of Billy Books have not received this issue, please email us to bon@billybooks.org. Thank you!
3 April 2017
The The Spiritual Teaching in Everyday Life from They Fly Productions is now available online for free on their YouTube channel. This documentary could possibly be the last filmed interview of Billy. Within this video, you can see the 76 years old Billy in action, answering questions from all over the world. Please come and have a look.
31 March 2017
Talmud Jmmanuel has been the best-selling book in Billy Books over the past few months. Recently, its [Limited Edition] has also arrived and is now available! Content of this 2.3kg limited edition is exactly the same as that of the [Standard Edition], but with larger and solider fonts, and therefore more readable and convenient for study. This [Limited Edition] will possibly become collector’s item, you may wish to consider getting a copy.
3 February 2017
Today is a big day! It is Billy’s birthday, and he is now 80! Let us wish him healthy, happy and longevity! And, this is also the third anniversary of Billy Books, we are grateful for the consistent support from our friends, we surely can run as usual. We will continue with our effort in bringing the latest FIGU publications to our friends in full speed, so that we all can share the great wisdom of Billy and the Plejaren. It is our aim that you can find your favorites within Billy Books, please come and download our Product List. Wishing everyone all the best and a successful Year of the Rooster!
3 February 2017
These days, unavoidably, we and the new generation are fully immersed in the abyss of electronic media, how do we deal with this phenomenon? We share with you sa’s posting “The Plejaren on the Danger of Electronic Media” (Chinese version) for your reference. Wish our friends a happy and prosperous Year of the Rooster!
10 December 2016
The long awaited English edition of Talmud Jmmanuel is now available to all readers. This is the true story of the life and teaching of Jmmanuel, the man falsely known as “Jesus Christ”. Although the real story was falsified to beyond recognition within the New Testaments, Billy Meier succeeded in translating the original script into German, truth seekers will be astonished while reading the true story of the real prophet. Please come and take a look.
9 September 2016
To keep friends updated with the latest information available on the Billy Meier and Plejaren’s materials, we intend to enhance our service by sharing sa’s recent postings at Review33, starting this time with “Billy Meier on the US Presidential Election” via our newsletters and Facebook. Please Register as Friends of Billy Books and receive our newsletters for free.
29 April 2016
The Mini Peace Meditation Pyramid together with its Application Guidelines are now available online, the latest Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte  (Pleiadian-plejarische Contact Reports) Block 13 is also on our shelf now, we offer 5% discount on every order of 6 blocks. Please pay us a visit, download the Application Guidelines for free and consider contributing to World Peace.
3 February 2016
Today is Billy Meier’s birthday, we wish him happy and healthy. Today is also the 2nd anniversary of Billy Books, we are grateful for the consistent support of all our dear friends in the past two years. Billy Books has acquired around 90% (over 70 items) of FIGU’s publications by now, please download our Catalog and locate your own favorites. In 2016, to quench the thirst of all our friends, we will try our best to bring in the latest FIGU publications soonest, please come and visit Billy Books from time to time, we are always ready to serve, wish you all a prosperous year of the Monkey!
16 December 2015
The Way to Live—the latest English edition of Billy’s Die Art zu leben is now newly published and available to all readers. You are invited to take part in learning how to grow in knowledge, love, peace, wisdom and harmony. Besides, in order to cultivate a broader coverage, we have reduced the price of Might of the Thoughts.
1 December 2015
The German/English bilingual e-book version of Goblet of the Truth is now available for Free Download at Billy Books. You may like visiting our download page at [Catalog / Info]. Please also share our Download Link with interested friends, as wider coverage of this valuable book is beneficial to all mankind.
27 Auguest 2015
The German books Photo-Inventarium  (Photo Inventory), OM  (Omfalon Murado—Navel of Life) and Nokodemion, seine Folgepersönlichkeiten und die siebenfache Prophetenreihe auf der Erde  (Nokodemion, its derivatives personalities and the seven fold series prophets on Earth) are now officially on our shelf.
11 June 2015
After years of translation, the English edition of Billy Meier’s Goblet of the Truth is finally published and now on our shelf. Those who are fond of “Spiritual Teaching” should consider owning this valuable book where the contents and package are in perfect harmony.
19 May 2015
The download price for The Spiritual Teaching in Everyday Life is now reduced to US$15. Besides, e-book version of Through Space and Time (Photo Book), Michael Horn’s First Evidence: 1953–1964 and Sfath’s Explanation are now available.
10 April 2015
We have completed updating our inventory and have filled up our stock with some latest publications, including FIGU / Billy Meier’s Fragen an Billy vom Mai 2013, Das Leben richtig leben—Quer durchs Dasein, Zur Besinnung, Postcard P1245, as well as They Fly Productions / Michael Horn’s First Evidence: 1953–1964 and Sfath’s Explanation in e-book version. Please have a look at our latest Product List.
3 February 2015
Today is Billy Meier’s birthday, we wish him peace, healthy and many happy returns. Today is also the anniversary of Billy Books, we started off on Billy’s birthday last year, and we are grateful for the encouragement and support from Billy and the CG49. We have delivered over 200 books to our customers during the year, it was a 100% successful delivery with no postal lost. Billy Books thanks our friends for their valuable support all through the year of struggling for survival, we will refine our service quality and hope our friends find engaging with Billy Books enjoyable.
27 December 2014
The Spiritual Teaching in Everyday Life—the newest filmed interview of Billy Meier by Ricardo Ralson and Michael Horn is now available as a download! This documentary could possibly be the last filmed interview of Billy. Within this video, you can see the 76 years old Billy in action, answering questions from all over the world.
30 November 2014
Billy Books’ first FIGU publications showcase has been successfully completed during the “Hong Kong International UFO Congress 2014”. We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to The Hong Kong UFO Club, her chairwoman Moon Fong and her team for their full support, and also to friends who have visited our booth. This is the first FIGU publications showcase in Asia, and most probably also the first large scale showcase outside of Switzerland, we are privileged to be able to make this event come true. For more about this historical event, please visit our Facebook Photo Album.
18 November 2014
Billy Books just received the blessing from CG49 and Billy Meier and was awarded the status of “Far East Representative of FIGU Publications”. We are very much honoured and will continue to try our best in providing quality service to all our friends. In addition, while supported by The Hong Kong UFO Club and her chairwoman Moon Fong, Billy Books will be holding a FIGU Publications showcase at the “Hong Kong International UFO Congress 2014” on 30 November 2014. Please come and have fun!
31 October 2014
All items on our Product List are ex stock, further, FIGU Postcards are now on our shelf. Buy 10 get 1 free! Also, to show our gratitude to your support, we will offer 1 free postcard for every purchase of 2 Books!
9 October 2014
Our Product List, which includes both English and German FIGU publications, is now ready for download. Friends of Billy Books will receive our Newsletter together with the product list real soon. Please come and enjoy our quality service.
9 September 2014
After months of effort, we are now equipped with 80% of FIGU’s German publications which amounts to 50 different items. A detailed book list is being prepared for distribution among friends of Billy Books via newsletter.
22 Auguest 2014
As of today, over 50 copies of Through Space and Time (Photo Book) are sold. After restocking and completing all pre-orders, we have only a few books left, book your copy now while stocks last.
12 July 2014
UFO ... Contact from the Pleiades: A Preliminary Investigation Report and UFO ... Contact from the Pleiades: A Supplementary Investigation Report—the two valuable collectors’ items written by Wendelle Stevens, one of the world’s best known UFO investigators and researchers—now available in e-book version.
29 May 2014
All Through Space and Time (Photo Book) have been sold out. Thank you, friends, for all your enthusiasm! We will restock soon, book your copy now.
21 May 2014
Through Space and Time (Photo Book)—The marvelous UFO photo book, an out-of-print collector’s item is now made available by Billy Books.
14 May 2014
The EBE award winning documentary The Silent Revolution of Truth 2 DVD set is now on our shelf.
9 April 2014
Michael Horn Workshop: Standing in Spirit DVD—Michael Horn’s lecture—and Beamship Symphony CD—live Beamship sound recording by Billy Meier—are available.
2 April 2014
And still they fly! by Guido Moosbrugger the FIGU veteran is now available in e-book version. This great book is no longer in print, it is the first and best choice research material for the Billy Meier case.
31 March 2014
The Meier Contacts—The Key To Our Future Survival DVD produced by Michael Horn is now on our shelf.
27 March 2014
As the time fulfills DVD—A documentary on the Billy Meier UFO contact case by They Fly Productions is now available.
22 March 2014
Might of the Thoughts and The Psyche—by Billy Meier with spiritual teaching on consciousness and thoughts are now on our shelf.
3 February 2014
And Did They Listen? DVD—the brand new documentary by Michael Horn on the story of Billy Meier and the Plejaren is available first time in Hong Kong.
3 February 2014
In celebrating Billy Meier’s birthday, Billy Books officially launched her services.