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Latest Release!
Apollo 11 Secret: New Evidence About Apollo 11
Author:Francisco VillatePublisher:Rhal ZahiLanguage:EnglishPrice:HK$290 / CN¥286
This is not another book about conspiracy theories regarding Apollo 11. This book presents evidence challenging the claim that Apollo 11 landed on the Moon. It examines newly confirmed data from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, along with existing images from NASA to uncover the truth of what really happened. Apollo 11 was not the pioneering mission it was portrayed to be. We have been deceived. The hoax was merely a movie production, and like all major movies, it had its flaws. Now, it’s time for the truth to be revealed.
New Release!
UFO...Contact from the Pleiades (45th Anniversary Edition)
Author:Lee Elders & Brit EldersPublisher:Beyond WordsLanguage:EnglishPrice:HK$240 / CN¥237
The Elders teamed with Wendelle Stevens and others in 1977 for a UFO investigation project in Switzerland that lasted for years. They acquired from Billy Meier copies of his wonderful UFO photos and published two photo books—UFO...Contact from the Pleiades I & II—in 1979 and 1983 respectively. The books have become collectors’ items for over 40 years because the photos were solid evidence of UFOs’ existence while computer and photo editing software were still in their infancy at the time. Now, the two classic books are combined in one and republished. It is a must-have for UFO and Billy Meier case researchers.
Rebirth, Life, Dying, Death and Sorrow
Author:Billy Eduard Albert MeierPublisher:FIGU-Landesgruppe CanadaLanguage:Bilingual: German & EnglishPrice:HK$430 / CN¥424
The death belongs equally to the life as the life to the death. Both cannot exist without each other, because they are as dependent on each other as the awakeness and the sleep. Just as the sleep occurs without the human being being able to escape it, so the death also occurs at the end of the days, whether the human being now wants it or not. Billy Meier explains, in comprehensible, empathetic and upbuilding words, the truth about the entire cycle of rebirth, life, dying, death and the therewith connected sorrow.
From the Depths of Outer Space... Contacts with the Pleiadians/Plejaren
Author:Billy Eduard Albert MeierPublisher:FIGU-Landesgruppe CanadaLanguage:Bilingual: German & EnglishPrice:HK$450 / CN¥444
This book details some of Billy's early childhood experiences with Sfath as well as some of his adventures with Asket. Billy also explains the lifestyle of the Plejaren, their form of government, habitation, diet, music etc., from which we can get a glimpse of the Plejaren civilization and their wisdom. This book includes 16 glossy pages of 36 beautiful photographs. It is an indispensable introduction to the Billy Meier contact case.
Third Evacuation
Author:Francisco VillatePublisher:Rhal ZahiLanguage:EnglishPrice:HK$250 / CN¥247
This is a science fiction with foresight. On realizing the prevailing disastrous global warming and ecological crisis, the author Francisco decided to publish a science fiction novel that he conceived long time ago. Through the exciting story of a fictional character Sarom, Francisco wanted to present the reality that the end time is coming and remedy action must be taken before it is too late. However, no one on the planet took Sarom's warning seriously. What exactly could Sarom do to save his people and the planet from total destruction?
The Buddhist Deception
Author:Ben BlijlevenPublisher:Books on Demand (Denmark)Language:Bilingual: German & EnglishPrice:HK$350 / CN¥345
The author presented in this book his own research on Buddhism, including unprecedented and valuable cognition from Billy Meier. Buddha was a prophet and a wise man, who did not build a religion, but taught doctrines of the correct way of life and self-development. Religions are the cause of retarding our world by thousands of years in spiritual development. This is a book for the spiritual advanced and seeker of truth, refreshing the consciousness of the reader, who is taken on a journey through Buddhism, while being introduced to the Creational truth.
About the Fluidal-Energy resp. Fluidal-Powers and Other Things
Author:Billy Eduard Albert MeierPublisher:FIGU-Landesgruppe CanadaLanguage:Bilingual: German & EnglishPrice:HK$480 / CN¥473
Fluidal-powers is a mysterious field. People in FIGU often talk about about this extremely interesting and fascinating subject. For the benefit of humankind, Billy Meier presents logical answers to many supernatural phenomena and mysteries, including topics about organ transplants, so-called ghosts and other paranormal activities, cremation vs burial, etc.
Introduction to Meditation
Author:Billy Eduard Albert MeierPublisher:FIGU-Landesgruppe AustraliaLanguage:Bilingual: German & EnglishPrice:HK$400 / CN¥395
This is an introduction to true meditation, its application and its benefits to human life. The teaching of meditation is the spiritual teaching for self-cognition, which is based in the recognition of that which is truly real and the mastering/controlling of all factors of the spiritual and physical life. Meditation serves especially the self-disciplining of the human being, the schooling of his/her consciousness, the cognition and the creating of inner peace and equalisedness, and the actual mastering of life in general.
The Billy Meier Case: True or a Hoax?
Author:Christian FrehnerPublisher:WassermannzeitLanguage:Bilingual: German & EnglishPrice:HK$170 / CN¥168
“The Billy Meier Case: True or a Hoax?” is an evergreen question. This book is an essay written recently by Christian Frehner, a highly experienced core-group member, which sums up the essence of all major evidence of the Billy Meier case by presenting a series of photo evidence with easy-to-understand explanations. It is published by request from Ptaah and is a handy package for both beginners and researchers.
2020 Edition is now published! Through Space and Time
(Photo Book) Author:Billy Eduard Albert MeierPublisher:FIGU-Landesgruppe CanadaLanguage:English- Price -[2020 Edition]:HK$400 / CN¥395[2004 Edition]:HK$650 / CN¥641
This is the best English photo journal of Billy Meier. This photo book has better photo and printing quality compared to the two colourful books of Wendelle Stevens—UFO ... Contact From The Pleiades I & II printed nearly 30 years ago. Clear daylight colourful photos of various types of Plejaren crafts will surely satisfy the most demanding readers within the world of Ufology.
They are Here: Compelling Evidence of Extraterrestrial Ships Present on Earth
Author:Francisco Villate & Christopher LockPublisher:Luis Francisco Villate MatizLanguage:EnglishPrice:HK$380 / CN¥375
The two authors of this book conducted a seven-year in-depth investigation into the unparalleled Billy Meier ET contact case, revealing long-hidden findings and the most compelling visual evidence of extraterrestrial UFOs present on Earth. Written in layman’s terms and with more than 160 full-colour illustrations and photographs, this book verifies the undeniable authenticity of Billy Meier’s evidence.
Hardcover Edition is now available! Might of the Thoughts
Author:Billy Eduard Albert MeierPublisher:FIGU-Landesgruppe AustraliaLanguage:Bilingual: German & EnglishPrice:HK$400 / CN¥395
The root and the fruits of all human phenomena are one’s own consciousness and its thoughts, the might of which translates everything into reality. Billy leads his readers into a fascinating territory which has, until now and for all of recorded history, been covetously concealed from us by the religious, political, social and cultural powers-that-be.
Sold out! Pre-orders welcomed! Arahat Athersata
Author:Billy Eduard Albert MeierPublisher:FIGU-Landesgruppe CanadaLanguage:Bilingual: German & EnglishPrice:HK$350 / CN¥345
This is the Teaching of the Spirit-WE-Form ARAHAT ATHERSATA, or its inspirative transmissions and instructions. ARAHAT ATHERSATA is Sanskrit, meaning “The valueful viewer of the times”. This is an inspired written work of a higher spirit-form, transmitted from an incorporeal, unmaterial and pure spiritual level. Message to the earthly humanity from the high spirit realm includes explanations of human beings’ behaviours and facts on religion, politics, science, etc.
Symbols of the Spiritual Teaching
Author:Billy Eduard Albert MeierPublisher:FIGU-Landesgruppe CanadaLanguage:Bilingual: German & EnglishPrice:HK$450 / CN¥444
This new German/English edition contains a collection of 624 symbols of the spiritual teaching, which includes 24 new symbols. The Symbols Of The Spiritual Teaching were created by Nokodemion, hence they were chosen and retrieved from millions of symbols within Nokodemion’s Storage Banks by Billy Meier himself, they can be used for learning to meditate or in meditation. All symbols are cross-referenced in a German-to-English and English-to-German index.
Decalogue / Dodecalogue
Author:Billy Eduard Albert MeierPublisher:FIGU-Landesgruppe CanadaLanguage:Bilingual: German & EnglishPrice:HK$280 / CN¥276
This very important book was transmitted from the Petale pure-spirit-level and contains detailed explanations pertaining to the Ten Commandments in their original form, including two other recommendations, which has been suppressed by mankind until now. May the profound truth of the values that are contained in this writing guide readers towards knowledge, wisdom, harmony, peace and love, and bring them great spiritual benefit in every respect.
[Limited Edition] - Limited Availability! While stock lasts! Talmud Jmmanuel
Author:Billy Eduard Albert MeierPublisher:FIGU-Landesgruppe CanadaLanguage:Bilingual: German & English- Price -[Standard Edition]:HK$500 / CN¥493[Limited Edition]:HK$800 / CN¥789
This is the true story of the life and teaching of Jmmanuel, the man falsely known as “Jesus Christ”. It was written originally in Aramaic by Judas Ishkerioth his lifelong beloved disciple, who was also falsely accused of as “The Betrayer”. Although the real story was already falsified to beyond recognition within the New Testaments, Billy Meier succeeded in translating the original script back into German, truth seekers will be astonished while reading the true story of the real prophet.
The Way to Live
Author:Billy Eduard Albert MeierPublisher:FIGU-Landesgruppe AustraliaLanguage:Bilingual: German & EnglishPrice:HK$400 / CN¥395
Progress is the effective recommendation of the life, in order to grow in knowledge, love, peace, wisdom and harmony, whereby the law of the creational plan and way is fulfilled, so that the sense of the human life shall be directed at evolving and becoming knowing and wise, in order to one day go into the Creation in the highest form achievable regarding this, and to become one with it. Billy explained how a person can and should live his/her life, if one is willing to align with the creative truth, one can recognize the life, the character and the thinking of other people.
Goblet of the Truth
Author:Billy Eduard Albert MeierPublisher:FIGU-Landesgruppe CanadaLanguage:Bilingual: German & EnglishPrice:HK$620 / CN¥611
This is the book of the entire teaching of the prophets, teaching of truth, teaching of spirit, teaching of life of Enoch, Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Jmmanuel, Muhammad and Billy (BEAM). It includes the words and guidelines through which you shall be knowing in the laws and recommendations of the Creation and in the appearance (nature). As Ptaah said that this book is the most important work of the mission.
The Psyche
Author:Billy Eduard Albert MeierPublisher:FIGU-Landesgruppe CanadaLanguage:Bilingual: German & EnglishPrice:HK$300 / CN¥296
The psyche is to the human being a mighty and immense power plant. As a very important and significant quality of his/her personality and his/her consciousness, it is able to cause for him/her in the sphere of his/her emotions and emotional life, a horrible hell of depression or the most heavenly peace and harmony on Earth. The psyche is to him/her a valuable and half-material, physical instrument through which true control and use of his/her mental world and imagination can be experienced and become a tangible experience.
E-book Version
Sold out! Enquiries welcomed! Through Space and Time
(Photo Book) [2004 Edition] Author:Billy Eduard Albert MeierOriginal Publisher:Steelmark LLCLanguage:English
This is the best English photo journal of Billy Meier. This photo book has better photo and printing quality compared to the two colourful books of Wendelle Stevens—UFO ... Contact From The Pleiades I & II printed nearly 30 years ago. Clear daylight colourful photos of various types of Plejaren crafts will surely satisfy the most demanding readers within the world of Ufology.
E-book Version First Evidence: 1953–1964
Production:They Fly ProductionsLanguage:English (with German Original)Price:HK$195 / CN¥193
The special compilation covers the earliest wonderful experiences of Billy Meier during 1953–1964 and important details of the evidence. In addition to press interviews and reports, it also contains Wendelle Stevens’s e-book DAL Universe as well as the invaluable Asket’s Explanation translated by Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg in full, in which two amazing time travel adventures are recorded. This is a must-have for anyone collecting all of Billy Meier’s evidence and information.
E-book Version Sfath’s Explanation
Author:Billy Eduard Albert MeierProduction:They Fly ProductionsLanguage:English (with German Original)Price:HK$110 / CN¥109
The availability of information on Billy’s early contacts is very limited, and English translation on these materials is even scarce. This is the first face-to-face contact Billy Meier had with Sfath, a Plejaren, who explains in considerable detail the difficult life and the challenges that lie in his future. You will be amazed to see how accurate Sfath was about the events that would unfold in Meier’s life. And you will gain insight into the importance of the mission and the fact that all those involved in it are human beings, at varying stages of evolution.
E-book Version UFO ... Contact from the Pleiades: A Preliminary Investigation Report
Author:Wendelle StevensE-book Production:They Fly ProductionsLanguage:EnglishPrice:HK$175 / CN¥173
Wendelle Stevens was a retired US Air Force Lt. colonel and one of the world’s best known UFO investigators and researchers. He collected more than 4,000 actual UFO photographs, and has written and co-authored over 50 books on extensive UFO contact cases. His investigation of the Billy Meier case lasted for over 8 years and was in unprecedented depth and coverage, which makes this investigation report an indispensable reference book for inquiring the truth of the Billy Meier case.
E-book Version UFO ... Contact from the Pleiades: A Supplementary Investigation Report
Author:Wendelle StevensE-book Production:They Fly ProductionsLanguage:EnglishPrice:HK$175 / CN¥173
The Supplementary Investigation Report goes even further than the Preliminary Investigation Report, with Wendelle Stevens recounting many previously unpublished and mysterious details of the over-8-year investigation of the Billy Meier case and of Billy’s life and adventures. Of special interest are Wendelle’s reports of the ongoing observation of not only Billy and his associates but also the investigators, by governmental intelligence agencies from various countries.
E-book Version
Sold out! Enquiries welcomed! And still they fly!
Author:Guido MoosbruggerOriginal Publisher:Steelmark LLCLanguage:English
The author Guido Moosbrugger is a 30 years old friend of Billy Meier, he himself also witnessed many UFO incidents. The extraordinary experience and deep research of this FIGU veteran furnished the book with the most interesting information and never before broad coverage. Moosbrugger offers an unwavering account of Billy’s life, as well as in-depth information on extraterrestrial life, an overview of their technical capabilities and the reasons for visiting Earth, making this book the first and best choice in studying the Billy Meier case.
** We keep most of FIGU's publications in stock for purchase, please refer to our detailed Product List. **